Our Mission

To promote the creation of an enabling environment for farming enterprises through advocacy initiatives and influencing national policies relating to agriculture, ensuring that farmers’ needs are met and farmers are empowered.

Core Values

The Union agreed on the identity of the members who will be guided by the following values:
☀ Timely ☀ Hard-working ☀ Accountable
☀ Discipline ☀ Transparent ☀ Professional
☀ Responsive

Legal Status

The Swaziland National Agriculture union is a farmer-led organization that was formed as per resolution of the agriculture summit in 2007. It was registered as “an association not for gain” in accordance with the provisions of section 21 of the Company’s act of 1912.

Strategic Goals

Goal One

To have a strong and vibrant farmers Union that is responsive to the members’ interest and needs, and to maximize service delivery.

Goal Two

To create suitable market linkages for farmers, improve their access to finance and insurance products and to create and strengthen value chains for their produce.

Goal Three

To improve farmers’ production and productivity, support diversification and build resilience against climate change.

Goal Four

To improve members’ participation in agriculture policy development and understanding of the agriculture policies as they relate to farming, food and nutrition security and further integrate women and youth mainstreaming in agricultural policies and national development.


Strategic Pillars

♜ Institutional capacity and partnerships.
♜ Agricultural markets, finance and value chains.
♜ Production, productivity and diversification.
♜ Policy, education and advocacy.

Our Objectives

❶ To facilitate production and marketing of commodities of members through bulk buying of inputs and bulk selling of products.
❷ To provide business support and skills to members such as processing of commodities to add value for increasing profits.
❸ To establish a link between the various members in order that they may benefit from common commercial, commodity processing and marketing objectives.
❹ To promote access by members to financial services, input loans and markets.
❺ To advocate and lobby for members on issues that affects their business and social well-being.
❻ To promote the organization and development of strong and sound commodity groups.
❼ Collaborating with SADC and other research and training in areas that will benefit farmers.
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The aim of the SNAU is to promote and safeguard the interest of farmers in Swaziland by linking farmers...
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Get in touch with SNAU
Tel: (+268) 2505 9358
Cell: (+268) 7640 3150

Email: snau@swazi.net
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